Today we had a very special guest who came to our school to show us a documentary called 'Invisible Children'. The Invisible children was created by 3 young guys from America who had no particular plan and just went to a place called Uganda, Africa to film the everyday lives of people in Africa. The 3 guys who had never made a documentary before found out the most terrific, heartbreaking stories about some of the things that happen there.
While watching the heartbreaking yet touching movie, it really shows how lucky we really are to live where we are, have what we have, do what we do and most of all have nearly everything they do not. If you read my older blogs, I have a blog about my sponsored child from World Vision. I was so hopeful because the girl I am sponsoring right now is from Uganda, Africa which is one of the places where there are just so many deaths and abductions.
The torture still continues right in this moment of time and it is something that needs to be changed. The movie has made me realised that it still goes on and it is continuing now. The more people who are involved in helping out and giving the smallest amount of money can make a difference than nothing at all.
The movie is so overwhelming, its unbelievable. If you haven't seen the movie, I recommend you see it when you get the chance to. My lesson today was that there are still millions of people that need our help. I am willing to help out by sponsoring a child and I really want to keep sponsoring when I have the money to.
This blog isn't about me trying to force and lecture about the people in Africa but I am just saying that I had a everything good lesson today and I am really happy for the special guest who came into our school who showed us the documentary. :)
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