Friday, October 28, 2011

Japan Trip

As you know, me and Aaron went to Japan for 1 week! It was really fun and I bought alot of makeup! We went to Osaka and on the first day, we went to the aquarium. I think the aquarium was one of the funnest places we went to! I love animals and it was so pretty! The only thing was I thought I'd go crazy and buy heaps of clothes but in Osaka there wasn't much I liked. Alot of the were expensive brands like Louie Vuiton, Dolce & Gabana etc. Also, most of their clothes were Autumn clothes and its almost summer here! But I did buy heaps of makeup and eyelashes!! I think I ended up buying like 10 packs of eyelashes. Each pack has about 4 sets in it too!! Even thought we both thought Tokyo would've been a funner place, we still had heaps of fun! It was our frist trip overseas together and everything went great! I hope we have many more years together so we can do alot more travelling and see beautiful places around the world!!! Anyways here are some photos!!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Japan in a week!!!

Hey bloggers!! I'm going to Japan in a week!! WOOOOOHOO! I am super excited! I'm only going for a week but I'm sure it will be the BEST week ever :)! Me and Aaron are going together so it will be a blast. I can't wait! I've saved up heaps of money so I can buy lots and lots of stuff! I'll definitely upload photos! :) I hope everyone has had a great week!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Only visitors

"We are only but visitors on this planet. We are here for ninty or one hundred years at the very most. During that period, we must try to do something good, something useful with our lives. If you contribute to other peoples happiness, you will find the true goal, the true meaning of life."

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

I dont mind anymore

Newton Faulkner - I need something I love this song!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Comes from within.

Happiness comes from within.

Lately I feel like I've been getting a little moody and turning the littlest things into a problem when they dont need to be.

I don't want to be like that. Life is too short to be worry about things and thinking about stuff I don't need to. It's just a waste of time. I want to live my life in happiness and sharing love.

It's just something I need to work on. Controlling myself to calm down, take a breath and think positive! Everytime I think about negativity, I need to just relax. Think about the good things in life and how lucky I am to be living here! There are so many other things going on around the world which is ALOT worse than the little things I think about.

I also think about the people in third world countries that can still bring a smile to their faces when they have nothing. It just makes me think that the problems I have are NOTHING!


My boyfriend Aaron told me not to let the things in the past effect the future.....

Because of one thing that happened in my life last year, I started to not think about the future.  I thought why get excited, make promises or even talk about the future because I'd look forward to those things and expect things when it may not even happen. I didn't want to be told something by someone because I'd look forward to it then when it comes, nothing happens and I just get sad because they said they would...

But I realised that I shouldn't let things in the past effect the future. I should be excited about the future and look forward to what else life has to bring. Just because one thing happened I shouldn't let that ruin how I think. Im not saying think about your future because the present is the MOST IMPORTANT. Im just saying be happy, do what you love and be excited for more great things to come!!! And who cares if you expected something and it didn't happen. Not everything goes the way you want it to go. Thats life.


 I will try my best to be a better person. To live in happiness. It all comes from WITHIN yourself, not from things around you.

Happiness never decreases by being shared.

Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle,
and the life of the candle will not be shortened.
Happiness never decreases by being shared.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tahitian Noni Juice

Noni is an amazing tropical fruit found in the South Pacific. Tahitians have used noni for centuries because of its health benefits.

The elements of the noni tree: fruit, leaf, seed.

Fruit provides anti-oxidants and increase energy.
Leaf helps soothe and protect the skin.
Seed is rich in linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid that aids in skin hydration.

Heres the official website: Tahitian Noni You can have a look and learn more about it!

My mum first got me into drinking noni juice. She is all about being natural, eating organic food, being healthy, doing yoga and meditating! She is the most loving person and she is always so happy.

She told me noni is very high in anti-oxidants and its very good for your body. It's also been known to treat, cure and prevent some diseases! Its can also be used to heal wounds by applying the noni juice topically onto the skin.

I've been pretty unhealthy lately, so my new goal is to drink noni juice every morning from now on to keep me healthy.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Love Green Tea!

I bought a new tea pot which = me drinking more green tea!! YAY!

I've always loved green tea but I never seemed to find where the tea pot went, so I bought my own one today! I'm lovin' it too. Green tea tastes so good PLUS its very good for you too!

Right now, I'm listening to City and Colour while enjoying my tea. It's so relaxing. I really believe that music helps our body relax. Or just any type of music whether it's some pop, jazz, techno, rnb etc.. it all puts us in some sort of mood.

So whenever I feel the need to relax a little and stress less, I either play some acoustic guitar, have a nap or listen to some nice music and drink tea!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Vitamin C Face Spritz!

Today I bought this Vitamin C Energizing Face Spritz from The Body Shop!

It contains..

Amazonian camu camu berry
"..which is known to have one of the highest contents of vitamin C in nature. Antioxidant vitamin C encourages collagen production, improves elasticity and protects against damaging environmental aggressors."

Aloe vera gel
" clinically proven to soothe and nurture the skin."

" an effective moisturiser which helps improve softness and maximise hydration."

It refreshing, soothing and energize dull looking skin. It also helps to set the makeup!

It smells amazing. My skin feels refreshed and hydrated. Its perfect when I'm on-the-go, I can just use this mist to feel fresh. :)

Bunny Apples!!

When I was little, my mum used to make me bunny apples!!!

So I decided to make some for Aaron as he suggested that he wanted apples. :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

D&G My Collection

I bought this cute D&G My Collection today from my work!

It was only $30.00 and it has 5 different fragrances. It also comes with a white D&G pouch. All fragrances smell really nice but I think my favourite is no.3.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Better to..

"Tis better to have loved and lost than never loved at all.."

Monday, July 11, 2011

R.I.P Poco 10-7-11

To my dearest little friend Poco.

The first thing I have to say is, I miss you SOOOO much!!!!!!!

You're one of the BEST things that has happened to me. It will stay that way forever too. We met when I was about 6 years old and you came to my house because your owners were going overseas. They left you and Coco with us from that day and you became my best friend.

To tell you the truth, first I thought you were a baby Rottweiler. But then I realized you weren't getting much bigger and your barks weren't that scary. You were a little chihuahua who LOVED food and sleeping while poking your tongue out.

You always loved to lick everything, the couch, my pillows, the bed, my face.... If I didn't stop you, you would go on and on, everything would be drenched!!

Anyways, I have to say that you were one of my BESTEST friends. You never hurt me or made me cry but instead you always made me smile when I was sad and you were ALWAYS there. I miss when you used to come walk randomly into my room, give me a lick on the knee and sit next to me when I was doing my hair and makeup.

I taught you how to play SNAP (our little hand slap game) and how to "one hand, other hand, two hand, roll!" tricks by giving you bread. You learnt it so well!!! :)

I miss when I was on my bed, you would come and tell me you wanna hop up.

You were such a little cutie and so cuddly!!

You lived for a very long time and I never knew you were so sick! You stayed so strong through everything!!!! I HATED seeing you in pain. I know it was time to let you go..
It was the hardest thing I could do. I think you and I was the closet. :)

Thanks for always being there for me and thanks for being such a good dog. No dog can replace what we had. I will always remember you as my very first dog and as you, Poco.

I can't tell you how much I miss you. But you are free now and have no pain!

:) I love you heaps little one.

See you soon!!!

xoxoxox Mari

Saturday, July 9, 2011

:( Bad news..

Just found out that Poco has liver cancer and a tumour inside his body.

:( He will put him to sleep tomorrow.....

I don't want him to go through anymore pain.

I will have my last moments with him tonight and I will have to say my goodbyes tomorrow....


Friday, July 8, 2011


He hasn't been eating at all..

:( I hope he is not in pain.

I tried giving him food several times but he hasn't taken a bite of anything.

Right now he is all snuggled up and sleeping in his little doggy bed with towels. He looks so adorable and I just wish he was okay. He is my first dog and I've had him since I was 6 (I'm 20 now).

Stay strong little one..

Friday, July 1, 2011

Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap.

Such a beautiful song!

Alot of you might know that song Watcha Say by Jason Derulo.. I didn't know this but it was orginally from this song..

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Little Poco

My little dog Poco is over 14 years old and his liver, kidneys are not doing very well.

I took him to the vet today and they said there's not much you can do now because its so bad and his old.

So I just gotta love the time I have with him now as his time may come....

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

So true..

"I love my past. I love my present. I’m not ashamed of what I’ve had, and I’m not sad because I have it no longer."

I came across this quote and I couldn't agree more!

I've had good and bad things happen to me in the past but I am not ashamed of what happened because I am happy right now. If things didn't go the way it did, maybe I wouldn't be where I am now. So I really think things happen for a reason and every little thing that happens creates who we are/become.
Never be sad or ashamed of the past.

I think one of the most important things are to love what you have right now! Nothing lasts forever. After it's gone, accept it and be happy that you had what you had :)

Be happy!!

Be happy while you're living, for you're a long time dead...

Sunday, June 19, 2011

1 year anniversary!

So yesterday was me and Aaron's one year anniversary!!

I have to say, this year has been amazing and I am very happy!

I hope I can spend many more years with him.

We had breakfast at the beach, then shopped around for abit and saw the Bridesmaid movie in the afternoon. We came home, had a rest and then went to the casino for dinner and a show!

He paid for everything!! Im such a lucky girl! :)

Anyways I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday, June 9, 2011



Me and Aaron are going to JAPAN!!

Jetstar was doing a 'buy one and take a friend for free' sale, so we decided why not!!

We will be going to Osaka for about 7 days in October!! I'm so excited!!

Couldn't be ANY happier.

I couldn't feel any happier..

I am so lucky! I have a loving family, beautiful friends and a great boyfriend who I am so happy with.

I couldn't ask for more.

Things fall apart so better things come together. When I look back at the things that happened, I know exactly why they did.

So, I learnt to put a smile on my face as better things are right infront of me! I will be happy that things turned out the way it did.

Everything will be just fine!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Made me smile

Hey everyone!

So I used my new Almay eyeshadow I bought the other day and it is amazing! :) Perfect colours, very pigmented and all together a really nice eyeshadow for everyday wear. You can also apply more of the darker grey colour for a smoky look for the evening!

The Maybelline Superstay concealer is pretty good too! It covers well but the only bad thing about it is, it drys super fast. So when applying the concealer, quickly dot it on the places needed and pat it into the skin fast.

The Rimmel eyeliner has been my favourite liquid eyeliner for awhile now. :) Its very black, easy to apply and stays on all day!

The Australis lipstick was a really nice, nude lipstick. Its also very moisturizing and glides on smoothly. The colour for me is a little bit too brown/nudey for me but with a nice light pink gloss over the top, it can look really nice!!


I hope every has had a great week!

It's been so cold here in Australia. I'm always in my hoodie with the heater on.

I haven't been doing much. Just working though I did attend another MMA fighting event on Saturday which was amazing!!!! 3 of the guys from the same gym fought on the night. One won, one drew and one lost. :) One of everything! Hahah.
Overall, it was a fun night and I can't wait for another one!

The other day, I was working and I had this grumpy girl come in who I served at the registers. I told her she could get a free product because at the time, Maybelline was doing a 3 for 2 deal (she already had 2 products.) So I told her she could go and get a free product equal or less value to those. Anyways, she ended up not getting her free product because the 'free' product she brought up to the registers was more value to the products she had, making her pay an extra $5 and getting one of her products she already had for free instead. (If you get what I mean..)
Anyways, she just got all angry and said "Oh, well I don't want it then!" I was just like okay, calm down, you don't have to be so angry. I was just trying to help you receive a free product. (In my head)

But blah blah, and yeh I was a little bit annoyed because she was so angry. ANYWAYS, after awhile later, an another girl walked up to me and asked for some help. She was the nicest, sweetest girl. She had a speech problem where she couldn't speak at times and it would take her a few seconds for her to say what she wanted to say.
She wanted some eyeshadows because her school formal was coming up. So I helped her find the one she wanted. She was just smiling, trying really hard to speak about what colours to had used at her last formal etc. She just made me smile and I realized how selfish we (me and you) can be. People like her have it much harder, sometimes we forget how lucky we really are!

So she taught me something and I smiled.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Hey everyone!

Hope all is good. :)

Today I bought some stuff from work! YAYY!

Vaseline Cocoa Butter Body Lotion.

I bought this today and its amazing! It smells so nice and it really moisturizers your skin with out it being too greasy. It also keeps your skin soft and moisturized for hours! It doesn't just soak into the skin and leaving it dry. :)

- Gillette Satin Care Wild Berry Shave Gel
- Maybelline Superstay Concealer, 720 Cream
- Rimmel Exaggerate Liquid Eyeliner, Black
- Australis Colour Inject Mineral Lipstick, 71032 Mambo
- Lip Smackers Lip Frosting Gloss, Confetti
- Models Prefer Tease Expert Brush
- Almay I-Color Smoky for Hazels

I'll be using these products tomorrow, so I'll do another blog on them and let you all know how it is!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


Im very insecure of who I am.

I always feel like I am not good enough.

Because I feel this way, when little things upset me, I always tend to make them a big problem when they dont need to be. So I pretty much make myself unhappy.

Its just the way it is

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Love Lost - The Temper Trap

I saw the music video for Love Lost by The Temper Trap and I thought I would share it with you..

You might have already seen it and heard of it but I was also really intertested in the film clip itself!

My idea of the meaning:

Obviously the song is about Love/Lost.

You see the guys running on this muddy, dirty, path with no hope yet they still keep moving and running hard as they can. The rain represents everything coming down on them. Running with a group meaning he's not the only one. The after awhile, some more guys join in. They jump through puddles showing emotions of anger, dishonesty. After they all suddenly stop for a little bit maybe symbolizing depression. Like they can't move, don't know what to do. Then the coach yells "Get up, move on!" So they all jump up and just keeps running. As soon as they all get up, a train passes by maybe symbolizing death? I dont know. Or maybe the train is to represent the new journey instead of being on the same pathyway of life? So at that moment, they had a chance to choose, but instead they chose the same way.
The girls appear with clean clothes. No mud. They also run beside them on the green grass, not on the same muddy one. They only run for a little bit and then run out of the picture meaning the girl he wants in his life just keep coming back in his life for a short time and running back out.

They just keep running..

What do you think of the video?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Everyday is a good day.

Make the best of it.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Nut Tart.

My brother graduated from a Patisserie College in Japan this year and yesterday we made a Nut Tart together :)!

It was quite nice!

Sunset at the Beach!

Me and Aaron went to the beach this afternoon to see the sunset!

It was pretty!

Martial Arts

Martial Arts pretty much saved me.

I used to do mixed martial arts when I was in high school for about a year than I stopped because I had too many assignments and it was hard for me to keep studying. I also didn't have much money so I quit.

After a few years, I decided to go back as I missed it so much and I felt like I needed to do it. Martial arts is something I love doing and I also needed something to do in the afternoon, get me fit, motivated, help keep the stress away and not worry.

One night, I decided to go back to the gym and check it out. It was cool, a few of the guys remembered me. :)

Now ever since I've been back, I've had an awesome time and I am sure I made the right decision to go back at that time. I also met Aaron there. He only just came back from Japan that week too. It's funny how that works out. I guess I just got lucky.


I also used to hate sparring with all the guys because they were stronger and better than me but I've gotten used to it, and I LOVE it! It's a challenge for me but I learn every time I spar with everyone and its super fun!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I realized how much I love mixed martial arts.

I love training. I always look forward to it every week.

After training, I feel great. :)

It's one of the things in my life I love to do and hopefully keep on doing!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Orange Hands

I found a way to prevent your hands from getting orange after putting on fake tan!!

After you rub in your tan, wash your hands with warm water and hair removal cream. Use it like soap. You'll see all of the tan coming off your hands!!
Wipe with a dry towel and there!

:) Clean, orange-free hands.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

GSP interview.

To define you, its not what happened to you but its how you react to it.


My dog Poco always sticks his tongue out when he's asleep.

It's so cute!


Aaron gave me some roses last night! They are so pretty! :)

I think roses are one of the prettiest flowers!!

Thanks Aaron! I'm very lucky!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

When Im worried.

When I fill my head with too many crazy ideas...

I can't eat! My stomach is upset and too hard to eat food.

And I LOVEEE food. Just when I think too much, I can't.

Strong Man

“A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.”

A man who is scared of 'hurting' someone, so will not speak the truth, is a true weak man.

I don't want to be with anyone like that.


A person who is weak cannot forgive but a person who is strong can forgive.

But how can we forgive someone if that person hasn't confessed what they have done or told the truth?

Friday, April 8, 2011

You'll be okay.

“Every time I find the meaning of life, they change it”

I dont exactly know what the meaning of life is.. but I have thought of what it COULD be. Though, it always changes.

I feel like the only reason I'm living is for love. To love/loved and to be love/loved.

When I don't have it or have lost it. I just feel like asking myself why I am here!?

I felt like this before and I seriously didn't want to be here anymore. I hated it! If there was some easy way out, at the time, I would've definitely have taken the easy way out. No doubt.

I hurt myself. I just needed to feel another pain other than inside.

But I came to my senses and moved on. It was stupid to think that now that I think about it. But at that moment, it was a good idea.

Its just the moment. We all make decisions at the moment. Thats why people do the things they do. Whether it's right/wrong, bad/good.

So I can't really be angry. It's peoples choices.

Anyways, the point of this blog is..

RIGHT NOW, I have everything I want. I am very happy. Just because you're hurting for something, you'll be okay.


Monday, April 4, 2011

Hear You Me

I love this song, Hear you me by Jimmy Eat World!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Mars, Animal Testing

Mars company

Meet your Meat.

I was on the Peta website and came to this horrifying video.

I dont know if I can eat meat now. To be honest I love meat, but I saw this video of how it gets to us and it really makes me sad!

Animal Cruelty..

A girl from my school just posted this video of an elephant being hit many times, behind the scenes of a circus.

It's horrible to see how people can just do that to animals! They treat them like they are nothing and make money out of them. The animals get absolutely nothing!


It's just like someone putting you on a chain and hitting you many times because they can. Everyday, stuck in a small room. Get fed when they feed you. Making money for them and in return you get hit.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spray tan tomorrow!!

One of my sister's friend makes surfboards and he made this new one with special material/design and wants to promote it. So he has asked me to do a photoshoot with the surfboard for a poster to hand out to all of the surf shops.

Of course I said yes and so I booked myself for a spray tan tomorrow! Getting prepared for this photoshoot, I gotta look good! :)

Hopefully this tan turns out good and not orange!!

To be yourself.

There will be people that put you down.

When you turn your back, they will stab you.

People who are jealous, angry, not confident with themselves or even just two faced people will put others down to make them feel better about themselves.

You just have to be yourself and not worry about what they think of you.

In the end, they are hurting themselves.

You never know

This is a song by Immortal Technique - You Never Know.

My friend showed me this song and told me to listen to the lyrics.

I ask you to do the same.

'Cause you never really know what you got until it's gone..'

Monday, March 28, 2011

I think too much.

I always tend to think too much of something and it gets me sad..

Sometimes I even think about things that are going good in my life and just think of the worst thing that can happen when there is no need. Then I just go a little crazy and my thinking goes over the top. That's when I get sad and start to think about all the bad things that could possibly go wrong. When I shouldn't even be worrying about something that hasn't even happened or possibly never will.. I just stress myself out.

I can never just think of good things. I always have to think of the bad things. I know it's selfish, and I am working on being a better person for people and for myself.

I just gotta say to myself, everything is okay. The more I worry and the more I think about all these things, I am forgetting about the present and even missing out of things because I'm too busy worrying about nothing.

It's something I have to work on.

I need to be more confident and not worry.

Ipod Touch!

I bought an Ipod touch today!

It's my first 'Apple' product. I know... hahaha, pretty much everyone has an iphone now. But I like my Nokia phone. I'm really bad with touch screen so I just stayed with my old phone.

I did buy the ipod touch for music, internet etc :)! Its awesome!! Still trying to figure it out.

I am a little bit bummed because I bought a one of those car plug-ins for your ipod so I can listen to music but I found out it was just a charger, not player. So hopefully I can return or exchange it!! :(

Anyways, I hope everyone had an awesome day!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Not at all.

I don't know everything...
I blog alot about life but that doesn't mean I know much..

I'm quite the opposite. I dont know much at all. I'm learning every day.

That is why I write about how I feel here, so I can look back on it. I know that I will feel the same way again so I pretty much write everything that will help me.

I'm actually very quiet, jealous, insecure, not confident..

So everything I feel whether it's something that makes me happy or sad, I write it down to remind myself about things and how to deal with it.

One year

In one year, so much can happen.

In one month, so much can happen.

In one week, so much can happen.

In one day, so much can happen.

In one hour, so much can happen.

In one minute, so much can happen.


Someday, it will all be over.

I'm just sitting here thinking of all the things I do have, rather than thinking of all the things I don't have.

And someday, I will loose all of the things I have.

So while I have the things I have now, I need to love it and be happy..


“Live this day as if it will be your last. Remember that you will only find ''tomorrow'' on the calendars of fools. Forget yesterday's defeats and ignore the problems of tomorrow. This is it. Doomsday. All you have. Make it the best day of your year. The saddest words you can ever utter are, ''If I had my life to live over again. ''Take the baton, now. Run with it! This is your day! Beginning today, treat everyone you meet, friend or foe, loved one or stranger, as if they were going to be dead at midnight. Extend to each person, no matter how trivial the contact, all the care and kindness and understanding and love that you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again.”

Friday, March 25, 2011

My new red hair!

I've been thinking of going a light copper red for awhile now and I finally did it!

Because my hair was so dark, I could only go a certain shade. I have to gradually go lighter.. :)

I'm aiming to get to a lighter red! Can't wait!

Here's what it looks like now.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Im very lucky.

So much has happened already. It's only 9:30 am.

Early in the morning, Aaron and I went to Burleigh Beach. Went over to the look out and put our feet in the water. It was so nice :)!

I bought a frozen coke then headed back to the house.

My dad came back from Japan today and handed me my 20th birthday present from my grandma! (20th is really big in Japan. It's just like a 21st in Australia) I haven't seen her in ages or even heard from her. Because we live in different countries, its been really hard to keep in contact.

I received a small box. I opened it up and it was this beautiful diamond necklace! On the card she gave me, she said that because it was my 20th, she went to the jewelery shop and pick it out herself. She is such a lovely person.

The funny thing was, I've been wanting a necklace for awhile. I actually went shopping yesterday to buy one. But I didnt end up buying one and just bought some candles instead! Hahah. Im glad I didnt buy one.

This necklace is so pretty! It's something very special to me now. I don't get to see her at all so this will be something I can hold on to. She said that she isn't very well but she is doing her best so she wants me to do my best too. :)

She also gave me a broche from Swarovski!

I thanked her on the phone and I was very happy to hear her voice :)!

I'm a lucky girl.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less."
— Marie Curie

Saturday, March 5, 2011


One day I was on Youtube and found this video of the 2nd largest aquarium in the world.

This video is so beautiful!

The fishes look like they are flying.

It makes me feel so calm and relaxed just watching them swim peacefully.

It also makes me think how beautiful it is to have all these amazing living creatures in our world.

How every little bit of their bodies work. Their fins, gills, tails..

Everything little thing makes one incredible thing.

And if you see the scuba driver at the bottom of the tank, it makes me realise how small we really are. I mean, the the creatures in this tanks are huge but imagine the creatures deep, deep in the ocean we don't even know about or just swimming around! We are so small.

Ahh, I love aquariums! :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

We forget

We live in this amazing place, yet we sometimes forget how beautiful it really is.

I mean, we live in our day to day lives; waking up, eating breakfast, going to work, come home, go on the computer, sleep etc.. But I think sometimes we're so used to doing the same thing all the time we are too busy caring and appreciating what we have here.

I know I do.

I LOVE the night sky. When I'm outside, I always look up and think about how beautiful the stars look. Just before I go to bed, I sometimes open up the curtains and see how pretty the sky looks. I breathe in the cold, fresh air and I smile! Makes me realise how lucky I am. After that, I go to bed.

If we were born blind and all we can do is hear. We would want to know every little detail of what Earth is like. But even so, if we described the colour of the sky and the trees, we wont even know what the colour is! What would blue look like?

Lets say after all those years of hearing what Earth is like and somehow we could see.. I couldn't imagine how shocked and surprised we would be! To see such an amazing place we live in! The sky, clouds, ocean, sand, people, birds, trees, stars the moon and the sun. It would be a paradise.

Right now,
we can see all of these things, yet we don't really appreciate them.

I see things differently now..

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The story behind it, is so good :)

some people profit from other people's misfortunes...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The Beach.

When I feel upset, I drive down to the beach.

I feel it's the only place that allows me to be calm.

It's just the way it feels, sounds and smells.

Everything feels and sounds so calming. It feels so fresh. It's such a beautiful place.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines Day!

Hey Everyone.

I hope you all enjoyed your Valentines Day!

I had a great time with Aaron. We went and had dinner at a Japanese noodle shop. After that we versed each other on a game of Tekken. Guess who won!? ME!! YE-YAH!! :P

Since I won, he had to watch a romantic movie with me. Aaron haaates them! But he was very lucky this time. I was going to rent out The Notebook, but I tried to be nicer and borrowed a romantic/comedy instead. We ended up getting Going The Distance with Drew Barrymore and Justin Long. It was pretty good, but nothing will over top The Notebook!
Aaron fell asleep during the end, so I think next time I will make him watch The Notebook and he HAS to watch it till the end!

Anyways, I was bragging how much better I am at Tekken than him. :D! We've had 4 games in total and I've won 3 of them!! Not to brag or anything, hehehe!

Well here are some photos......

This is what Aaron gave me..

I got him chocolates, shaving stuff, a photo of us and a rose!

I also gave my dad, sister a rose too :)!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Not Scared Anymore.

I can't say much about it.

All I know is I am not scared about something anymore.

Lets just say when you lose something, you gain something.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentines Day is soon!

Today I went shopping and found some stuff to give Aaron for Valentines day! :)

I can't post it now because he might read it. I will take a photo and show you after!!


Friday, February 11, 2011

Their eyes

See the sadness within the eyes?

Don't lie.

One of the things I'm scared about is being lied to.

I'm not scared of dying, what people think of me, falling, getting hit. Being lied to scares me more.

I think, if one is not happy being with one, I say "let them go."
Because, I'd rather get hurt but knowing they are gonna be happier than pretend to love/hurt me and with them being unhappy.

If you don't want to be here and if you want to be with someone else, don't lie, just go. Go be happy.

Just tell the truth.

It's all I ask for..

Monday, February 7, 2011

Stylish Blogger Award and 7 Things About Me.

Thanks to Jena from Makeup Adventures with JennyB, I have been awarded with the 'Stylish Blogger Award!' :)

To accept this award, one must:

- Thank and link back to the person whom awarded you.
- Share 7 Things About Yourself.
- Award 10-15 recently discovered great bloggers.
- Contact these bloggers and tell them they've been awarded!

7 Things About Me:

1. I am Japanese and live in Australia.

2. I love Dragons.

3. I do Mixed Martial Arts as a sport.

4. I love collecting Martial Art Weapons.

5. My favourite food is Pasta.

6. I am SUPER short, like just under 150cm.

7. I am obsessed with Makeup!

Great Bloggers:

Jean from Jean's Makeup Blog

Roseann from Annebabesx

N from Petite Eats

Vanessa from 'Oh Jhoy! Beauty Blog'

Friday, February 4, 2011

My Favourite Lipstick!

My favourite lipstick at the moment is the MAC lipstick in Blankety AA0 (Amplified).

I think it's such a pretty colour! :) It's a nude lip colour with a bit of pink in it.

The lipstick itself is also really nice. Because it's not a matte lipstick, it glides on really smoothly and also gives you a glossy finish!

New blue coloured eye contacts!

I got some new contacts today! :P

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

When I feel like crying.

When you feel like crying and feel alone, go to the people who have been there for you because they are the ones who will always listen, no matter what. These are the ones to keep a hold of.

There will always be someone who makes you unhappy in life. These are the people you want to stay away from. You just have to find the inner strength to leave them.

I don't want to cry for someone who wont even shed a tear for me. I don't want to get hurt by someone who doesn't even care for me. I don't want to stay with someone that doesn't even want to stay with me.

But I WILL experience these, or maybe I already have and maybe i will again.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I need to stay strong.

I know that life isn't always about happy endings.

But I do know that you have to stay strong and stay up!

Whatever will be will be.

It's hard, but you gotta keep moving on.

"Life is like riding a bike, in order to keep your balance you gotta keep moving!"


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Spider in my room!

Last night, there was a massive huntsman in my room!

I was going to catch it as a pet but it ran away too fast. So I decided to just leave it alone and it was just chillin in my room.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Fun day!

Today was a good day!

I went to Surfers with Jasmine. Got a slurrpy. Went to the beach. Got my towel stolen. Ate Subway. Got new mma gloves. Received a b-day present. Ate some more. Drank coke vanilla. Now training tonight. :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

To be a better person

I'm not perfect but I want to try my best to be the BEST I can.

I don't want to get angry by little things.
I don't want to be jealous.
I don't want to say bad things.
I don't want to be selfish.
I don't want to think negative.

I want to be happy.
I want to be understandable.
I want to say nice things.
I want to laugh and smile.
I want to think positive.
Look around.
Appreciate things.
I want to help people.

I want to be a better person.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dreamworld with Aaron!

Me and Aaron made a deal that everytime we get the day off together, we will do something fun! So we have to make turns on planning something fun to do.

Today Aaron took me to Dreamworld!

It was fun. But I was too scared to go on the real big rides like the Tower of Terror (speeds of up to 161 km per hour in just seven seconds before free falling backwards claiming it the fastest and tallest ride in the world during its debut). And also the Giant Drop (is a jaw dropping 120 metre plummet at extreme speed, passengers experience the excitement and exhilaration of falling 39 storeys - accelerating at the speed of gravity (up to 135 km per hour), with their legs hanging freely.)

I did go on The Claw which travels 9 storeys into the air swinging up to 75km/hr while spinning 360 degrees. It was SCARY! But I had fun :)! I had Aarons arm wrapped around mine and I think I nearly ripped his arm off! I was holding tight! ahahah.

After the rides, we went and saw the animals!

Overall, I had a very fun day with Aaron :)!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

:( !!! Flooding in Australia!

Right now, some parts in Queensland, Australia have some massive flooding going on! :(

It's very sad.

Around 9 people have been confirmed dead and 66 people missing! Many houses also have no electricity, main roads are flooded and people are suck.


Sunday, January 9, 2011

Best things are free.

The best things are for free.

Money can't buy.


Monday, January 3, 2011


"When we meet real tragedy in life, we can react in two ways--either by losing hope and falling into self-destructive habits, or by using the challenge to find our inner strength."
— Dalai Lama XIV

"When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it."
— Dalai Lama XIV

"Time is what we want most,but what we use worst."
— William Penn

"Time is the most valuable thing that a man can spend."
— Diogenes Laërtius

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Happy New Year everyone!!!!

It is 2011!!!! Let's all live to the fullest as every year goes by faster and faster!!

I hope everyone had a great night last night!

Today is also my birthday! I turned 20 today!! Tonight I'm going to a restaurant with my family and friends. After that, we are heading off to the casino to have some drinks! Should be fun!! :)

Again, happy new year!!
